Monday 16 July 2012

CEREC – ‘Same-Day’ Crowns, Veneers, Onlays and Inlays


The benefits of using CEREC

before... and after...

EveshamDental Health Team has now provided Cerec CAD/CAM technology for over two years and wow, what a fantastic improvement in modern dentistry.

Single visit
One injection
No impressions
No temporaries

At most dental practices restoring heavily filled teeth still requires multiple visits, repeat injections, gooey impressions and temporary covers that incompletely seal teeth whilst you wait weeks for lab work to be ready to fit. Temporaries risk sensitivity or else can break, shift, fall off.

Instead ,with Cerec we scan, create and seat a new beautiful all ceramic restoration in a single visit. With minimal tooth preparation, Cerec restorations can conserve more of the healthy structure of your tooth than a conventional crown and both the patient and dentist have greater control in the design process. The milled metal free ceramic material closely mimics natural tooth enamel, its life like appearance and plaque resistance is most compatible with tissues in your mouth.

Advantages and benefits of Cerec:
  • One visit dentistry - convenient and fast
  • Injections only once
  • No gaggy impressions or problematic temporary
  • Beautiful natural looking ceramic
  • Metal free and biocompatible
  • Healthy minimal sound tooth removal
  • Long lasting and fracture resistant
The opportunity to restore weak, unsightly or broken teeth within one single visit has proved very popular with our patients and has also let our dentists help friends, relatives and holidaymakers who have travelled to Evesham, Worcester, Cheltenham or Stratford upon Avon for just a short time. For example, Richard remembers:

 ‘Soon after getting Cerec, I was able to help my sister Rachel, who for a long time had really disliked the large silver amalgam fillings that she’d had placed as a teenager, many were starting to crack / break. Rachel and her kids visited Evesham for the weekend and within a single dental appointment we replaced all her old black mercury fillings with stronger, aesthetic and biocompatible white tooth coloured ceramic and composite restorations. The following morning after a cooked breakfast, we walked up Broadway hill and then enjoyed watching Giffords circus. Rachel’s new Cerecs and white fillings all feeling comfortable (without any tooth sensitivity) and looking brilliant – a job well done!

Evesham Dental Health Team has numerous patients who now live all over the world – retiring in nice places or else working / emigrating abroad. Many return to the UK for just a few weeks a year and our Cerec system provides a fantastic, convenient and frequently lower cost solution than offered abroad.

Remember CEREC is perfect if:
  • You are nervous of needles or don’t like the feeling of numbness and want to reduce the number of injections
  • You dislike dental impressions with them making you gag
  • You lead a busy lifestyle and don't have time to come to many repeat appointments
  • You have a broken or lost filling, veneer, crown and need a solution fast.

Monday 9 July 2012

Dentists at Evesham Dental Health Team Save Lives – mouth cancer detection

A very important reason for attending regular dental appointments is for your dentist to provide mouth cancer screening. Your dentist will examine the soft tissues of your mouth (the lips, tongue, inside the cheeks and throat) looking for anything unusual. He or she will also take your medical history and assess your individual mouth cancer risk and also offer advice whenever risks are high.

The main risk factors for mouth cancer include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low intake of fruit and vegetables, excessive exposure to the sun and the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) which is also known for its role in cervical cancer.

Signs and symptoms you should look out for:

In the early stages, mouth cancer is often painless, and the physical signs may not be obvious.

Early Indicators might include:

- Red and/or white discoloration of the soft tissues of the mouth
- Any soreness which does not heal within 14 days
- Hoarseness which lasts for a prolonged period of time

More advanced indicators are:

- A sensation that something is stuck in your throat
- Numbness in the oral region
- Difficulty in moving the jaw or tongue
- Difficulty in swallowing
- A sore under a denture, which even after denture adjustment, still does not heal
- A lump or thickening which develops in the mouth or on the neck.

Early detection

When found early, the mouth cancer 5-year survival rate is good, approximately 83%. However when found late (more likely if a patient has not attended a dentist regularly) unfortunately the mouth cancer 5-year survival rate is poor at approximately 32%.

Clearly finding oral cancer in its early stages is the key. To aid this Evesham Dental Health Team has recently invested in a special light screening technology called the VELscope VX from Canada. The VELscope’s blue light stimulates the natural fluorescence in the soft tissues allowing dental professionals to see disease sometimes not visible to the naked eye and discover disease at it’s most curable stage.

Contact Evesham Dental Health Team today to book your mouth cancer screening appointment.

Friday 15 June 2012

The answer for people who
need to be in a dental chair,
but would rather be
somewhere else.

NuCalm™ is a revolutionary technology proven
to naturally relax the body within minutes – you will leave
today’s appointment feeling relaxed and rejuvenated!

At Evesham Dental Heath Team we are really excited to introduce our new dental service called NuCalm.

Nucalm helps nervous, anxious, phobic patients or simply those who would like to take the opportunity to completely relax during dental treatment.

NuCalm mimics the natural processes readying the body for sleep. It uses no controlled substances, no needles and is non-invasive. The deep relaxation effect can be compared to the end results of a body massage, and as a result patients are able to go about their daily business following treatment.

It works by four components bringing the body to a deep state of calm within 3-5 minutes.

1. A nutrient cream containing natural components to counteract the body’s stress response is rubbed into the skin of your neck.

2. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) patches are placed behind the eras that emit microcurrent stimulation and open the brain relaxation receptors (like a mild TENS machine).

3. Noise dampening headphones deliver soothing music layered with neuroacoustic beats to bring brainwave pace to the pre-sleep stage. (8Hz-12Hz per second).

4. Finally, special dark glasses reduce visual stimulation.

Dentist Richard explains “Our practice has a reputation for helping patients that worry about dentistry and I'm very happy to invest in any technique that makes dentistry easier. NuCalm complements our gentle, friendly approach and oral / intravenous sedation care. We are pleased to offer NuCalm for all appointments that take an hour or more, at a price of £27.50. It is ideal for patients who need root canal treatment, CEREC or crown and bridge work, fillings, extractions or long periodontal care (hygienist) gum treatment visits.”

· Are you anxious about visiting the dentist?

· Do you put off visiting the dentist because you are worried or simply hate the whole process?

· Is there a particular aspect of a dental appointment that you really cannot stand?

· Is there a particular treatment planned that you feel will be a real challenge?

If you, or someone you know, is anxious about a dental visit then we would love to help! Please call us on 01386 422833 or email You might also like to read our web page for nervous patients and some positive comments from similar patients who now enjoy coming to the dentist Our reputation for high quality and gentle dental care has meant that people come from all over Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, West Midlands and even further afield to see us.